Friday 11 May 2012

5 Ways to Clear the Air & Stay Healthy

Airborne chemicals are embedded inside our homes. They swirl around us as toxic gases emitted from the poorly labeled bottles of cleaning fluids in our kitchens and bathrooms, from the bug sprays and air fresheners we use, and from the glues, sealants, and flame retardants in our furniture. They are also dragged inside our homes on the bottoms of our shoes and then stirred up when we walk on our carpets.

5 ways to reduce Toxins by clearing the air
Remove your shoes at the front door. Shoes track in lead, pesticides and other pollutants. Stuff we track in from the outside can make our home toxic, especially for pets and young children who spend more time on the floor. At the very least get a good doormat to wipe your shoes before entering your home.

Vacuum with a well-sealed high quality HEPA vacuum cleaner. This can do a much better job of cleaning your carpets than the cheaper vacuum cleaners found at most department stores. Steam cleaning can kill dust mites and bacteria as well.

Avoid buying new upholstered furniture containing halogenated fire retardants. If it contains polyurethane foam, look for models where the foam is thickly covered or wrapped inside the cushion so dust from it is less likely to escape into your home. See if they offer non-toxic stain resistant fabrics as well.

Use an air purifier. Try one with HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Arresting) technology developed by the US Atomic Energy Commission to filter and trap sub-micron particles. Many reviews say this type of air purifier is the most effective.

Add house plants to green and purify your living space. A NASA study found that common house plants are natural air purifiers. Look for Aloe Vera, Philodendron, Rubber Plant, English Ivy, Ficus, Boston Fern, Gerbera Daisy, and Spider Plant, to name a few.

Article extracted from - Care2
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