Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Sore throat with flu

When I travel, I tend not to drink so much water as not to be so inconvenient and it's a hassle to look for a washroom.  However I told myself that I have to drink more water no matter where I am. So I've tried my best this time to drink more water, but I think the sun is too strong with the heat and I sweat a lot and at last, I've got a little bit of sore throat when coming back from Singapore and slight flu too.  Then I remember that my good friend was telling me during CNY, when he's here for dinner, that he took raw garlic almost everyday and so he don't have such flu problem.  Well, this is what I did then
  • Take 10ml of Pure Cod Liver Oil early morning before breakfast  - "Seven Seas" which is purely oil
  • Take a spoon of pure honey - "Thepprasit honey" is pure honey (tested and it really works! We are in Bangkok then and my friend lost her voice.  So, she took this during their presentation, and the next day, she can speak better.. so this is a MUST have! ..and this is good to be taken right after you took cod liver oil as it's not easy to drink the oil *@*)
  • During lunch or dinner, take some raw garlic. You can have the garlic in soya sauce. Eat it with your rice and dish.
  • Lots and lots of warm or room temperature water :)
 I took these for 3 days and I can tell you that I recovered from it naturally.. no need antibiotics!!  Wowww that is great right?  I've always like to eat spicy food and do not feel spicy nor thirsty and so I do have frequent sore throat and even lost my voice and always have to take antibiotics.  However this time, I'm so happy that I don't need to.  Well this is my own remedy and it works for me but doesn't mean that it works for every please do not depend on this to cure your sickness :)   I won't be responsible for this *><*


  1. hello
    I am in Egypt
    How can I obtain the Thepprasit honey

    1. Hi Hossam,
      You may click on the 'Thepprasit honey' above to go to the link or you may go to this website:
